Friday, May 20, 2011

Farewell All Too Soon

December 20, 2010 at 5:26am

As we stood quietly by his coffin, I said a silent prayer for his soul to be at peace with his God. I prayed that he may have done what he was meant to do; that he may have said what he was meant to say; to have seen what he was meant to see; to have loved those he was meant to love; felt what he was meant to feel and lived the life what he was meant to live.

Fare thee well, Memeng. Knowingly and unknowingly, those you left behind won't be the same. As I write this with the rain pouring outside my window, I recall with fondness the moments we had with you. Yes, it is true what the poets had said and written, the briefest of encounters often-times is the most profound.

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